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About Teacher MattersIn today’s classroom teachers have a lot of issues to deal with. Our goal is to simply provide teachers with practical down-to-earth solutions and support. Teacher Matters has benefited both teachers and teachers-in-training, worldwide with our time proven and popular resources which include:

* An excellent Teacher Strategies section offering a variety of practical solutions.

* The very popular Starting the School Year section (also offering practical solutions).

* A section covering the most popular Models of Discipline (nine leading models are included here).

* Interactive self-assessments designed to assist in determining your personal discipline style and classroom management profile.

* A section devoted to the Roles of the Teacher.

* A section for pre-service teachers, designed to help them with practicum preparation.

* Teacher Teaser quizzes to help refresh some of the basic classroom management and discipline concepts.

* Teacher Matters has provided a self-assessment tool to help you discover just how we may benefit you as a teacher or student teacher.

Teacher Matters’ content has been developed by content experts, classroom teachers and academics, we have on ongoing commitment to keep our content up-to-date and meaningful.

If you would like to provide feedback, have a suggestion, or would like to include information that has been of help to you, please use the contact form option provided in the Contact section.