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Teaching Strategies

Teaching StrategiesThe Teaching Strategies section focuses on a variety of teaching methods and strategies designed to assist teachers in developing skills in managing a range of classroom management and behavioral problems. The strategies presented in this section are likely to be encountered by teachers on a day-to-day basis.

Each strategy follows the format of a case study containing:

* A description of the problem.

* Probable causes of the problem.

* The strategy’s goal.

* The plan – how to implement the strategy.

The example supplied below is a strategy focusing on  how to overcome ‘Time Wasting’ by students, and is just one example of how this series approaches common issues that may be found in classrooms.

There are twenty-four strategies in this series and are available for purchase as an individual PDF ($5.99) or as bundled set containing five other Classroom Management and Discipline based resources ($19.99). If you wish to purchase the bundled set, please click on the button below.

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Time Wasting


The case study approach of this strategy has been designed to create an awareness of how to resolve issues such as time wasting by students

Description of the Problem

Mr. Smith’s class has trouble getting settled down and ready for instruction. After moving into the classroom Mr. Smith tells the students to get into their seats and be quiet so that instruction can begin. Some of the students do as he asks. Others sharpen pencils, put their bags away, or continue to wander around chatting. Mr. Smith has to tell them to quiet down and get into their seats five or six times. By the time the class has finally settled in, ten minutes has gone by. This situation is repeated after morning recess, lunch and any activity that takes the students out of the room.

The remainder of the Time Wasting Strategy contains the probable causes of the issue, the goals to try and circumvent the issue and finally a four step plan aimed at resolving the issue.

This Teaching Strategy and others may be accessed by clicking on the button below.

Purchase Individual PDF

Other Strategies in this Series Include:

  • Absenteeism

  • Calling out answers

  • Cluttered desks

  • Drug abuse

  • Getting out of seat – one student

  • Incessant questioning

  • Lack of attention

  • Lack of cooperation

  • Late assignments

  • Leaning back in chair

  • No response to reinforcement

  • Not completing homework

  • Poor listening skills

  • Poor self image

  • Pushing in line

  • Request for reinforcement

  • Short attention span

  • Shouting in class

  • Talking during lessons

  • The apathetic student

  • The bully

  • Time wasting

  • Using bad language

  • Whole class out of their seats

These Teaching Strategies may be accessed by clicking on the button below.

Purchase Individual PDF