Teachers in Training and first years teachers may benefit from this section of Teacher Matters as it contains information designed to assist in preparing for first contact with your class. Information contained within this section focuses on helping to increase your awareness of classroom management issues which may help you better manage your teaching.
The example supplied below focuses on ‘Developing Classroom Management Skills’, and is just one example of how this series approaches the first year of teaching.
There are six tips in this series and are available for purchase as single PDF ($2.99) or as part of a bundled set containing five other Classroom Management and Discipline based resources ($19.99).
Developing Classroom Management Skills
When to Do This
1-2 weeks into practicum.
Who Fills This In?
Your co-tutor or another teacher in the school willing to watch you teach.
What to Do
Find a time when your CO-tutor or another teacher can watch you with a class he/she normally takes, if this is possible. Ask him/her to fill in the analysis section below. Try to choose a lesson in which a variety of activities may take place.
The remainder of this tip contains information on how to identify and discuss your classroom management style.
This Tip and others may be accessed by clicking on the button below.
Other First Year Teaching Tips are:
Sharing Classroom Management Skills
Developing Relationships
Handling Difficult Classes
First Encounter